Only in Texas

Given the contemptible blame game the religious right has chosen to engage in since last week’s horrible incident at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the image below of a new gun store in El Paso caught our attention. The juxtaposition of Bible verses next to announcements of “SATURDAY PSYCHO” sales for a $4.99 box […]

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The End of the World as They Know It?

A Concerned Women for America fundraising email today includes this lament: “Recently 133 same-sex couples married in Washington State at Seattle’s City Hall. That number is growing, and will continue to grow, as states around our great nation turn away from Biblical morality and marriage as God created and intended: one man, one woman, no […]

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All Theories Welcome, No Scientific Evidence Needed

Remember during the 2011 Texas Legislature when state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, proposed legislation that essentially validates academic fraud, then did himself no favors by defending the bill in an interview with Mother Jones? That was fun. And now, Round 2: Zedler is back, filing the exact same creationism bill ahead of the 2013 legislative […]

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