Proposed Texas Bill Puts the Abortion Wars Ahead of Effective Sex Education

The abortion wars trump common sense on the right. We sent out the following press release this afternoon: PROPOSED LEGISLATION ADDS NEW AND UNNECESSARY OBSTACLES FOR EFFECTIVE SEX EDUCATION IN TEXAS SCHOOLS State Law Already Requires Informing Parents on Sex Ed, Right to Opt Out The Texas Freedom Network is releasing the following statement regarding […]

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Awaiting History's Judgment II

The 40+ Republican elected officials in Texas who signed on to the letter calling on the Boy Scouts of America to continue discriminating against gay scouts probably won’t have to wait long to see history’s judgment. From a Reuters article on Wednesday: The Boy Scouts of America has delayed its vote until May but a […]

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Awaiting History's Judgment

Sadly, history often repeats itself, especially when it comes to discrimination. The debate over the Boy Scouts of America’s now-postponed decision about whether to end a blanket ban on gay scouts is just another example — and a number of Texas politicians have chosen to put their names clearly on the wrong side of history. […]

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