… they’ll give you the axe. Or at least try to. From the start, the CSCOPE hysterics have demanded accountability and transparency from whatever they think CSCOPE is. Well, they’re getting it (there was a public meeting today from which we’ll have a report soon). And they’ve gotten it (there was a public meeting last […]
Recent Blogs
TFN Issues Statement on Texas House Endorsement of Discrimination
Update: The Texas Observer has a summary of the ramifications of this amendment. We just issued the following statement regarding today’s passage in the Texas House of Representatives of an amendment authored by state Rep. Matt Krause, R-Ft. Worth, that would force the state’s colleges and universities to give their official approval to student organizations […]
URGENT: Texas House to Consider Amendment Opening the Door to Discrimination on College Campuses
Update: On May 24, the conference committee for SB 215 filed its official report but did not include the discriminatory amendment added by Rep. Krause. The House and Senate both adopted the report and forwarded the bill to Gov. Perry for his signature. This means the discriminatory amendment will not become law. ———————————————– We have […]
Texas Observer Report: State Failed to Spend Available Family Planning Money as Clinics Closed
It was bad enough that Texas lawmakers in 2011 cut funding for family planning services for low-income women by two-thirds. Scores of family planning clinics closed around the state, and tens of thousands of women lost access to those critical services. But now the Texas Observer reports that the state even failed to spend federal […]
This Man Is Vile
One of the reasons abortion continues to be such a divisive issue is rhetoric like the following from Texas congressman Steve Stockman, R-Friendswood. In a press release on Monday, Stockman referred to Kermit Gosnell’s murder and involuntary manslaughter convictions in the deaths of three babies and a woman at a grisly abortion clinic in Philadelphia. […]