***Click here to vote for The Revisionaries as the Independent Lens Audience Award winner for 2013.*** Over the past year, the award-winning documentary The Revisionaries has shined a bright light on the politics that surround the bruising textbook battles at the Texas State Board of Education. Starting at the prestigious Tribeca Film festival in New […]
Recent Blogs
TFN President: Texas Women Don't Need Lectures from Rick Perry about Dealing with Unplanned Pregnancies
We just sent out the following press release after Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s patronizing and deeply insulting speech at the National Right to Life conference this morning: TFN PRESIDENT: GOV. PERRY LECTURES WENDY DAVIS WHILE FAILING TO ADDRESS THE TEEN PREGNANCY DISASTER IN TEXAS Miller Calls on Governor to Add Passing Comprehensive Sex Ed to […]
TFN President: Gov. Perry Lectures Wendy Davis While Failing to Address the Teen Pregnancy Disaster in Texas
TFN President: Gov. Perry Lectures Wendy Davis While Failing to Address the Teen Pregnancy Disaster in Texas Miller Calls on Governor to Add Passing Comprehensive Sex Ed to Call for the Special Session FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 27, 2013 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today reacted with dismay over Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s attacks […]
Was Tuesday Night a Turning Point in Texas?
As expected, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has announced that state lawmakers will be back in Austin for a second legislative special session starting July 1. Lawmakers will again take up critical transportation and criminal justice bills that they failed to pass in the first special session because the governor and far-right legislators were more interested […]
Oppose SB5? You're a Terrorist, Says Rep. Zedler
As we write this there is mass confusion surrounding the fate of Senate Bill 5, the restrictive anti-choice measure the far right was pushing at the Texas Legislature and that state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Ft. Worth, was trying to stop with a 13-hour filibuster that made nationwide headlines. But what we are certain about right […]