The Hateful, Cynical Campaign Against San Antonio's Nondiscrimination Ordinance

This past week it became clear just how hateful and cynical the campaign to defeat a proposed San Antonio nondiscrimination ordinance has become. The ordinance would add LGBT people and veterans to existing city nondiscrimination protections in employment, housing and public accommodations. The City Council is planning to vote on the proposed nondiscrimination ordinance on September 5. […]

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Rejecting Science, Race-Baiting and 'Screams from the Pit of Hell'

Our friends at Right Wing Watch have noted a lot of crazy coming out of Texas recently. Here are a few choice examples: On Wednesday Right Wing Watch posted video of self-styled “historian” David Barton pretending to know something about science. The head of Texas-based WallBuilders actually reveals that his knowledge of science is about as pitiful as his […]

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Rush Limbaugh Says Only Atheists Can Accept the Science on Climate Change

The battle over what students learn about evolution in their science classrooms is just one of many challenges facing supporters of sound science. Climate change remains a prominent target of anti-science extremists. Take, for example, right-wing radio blowhard Rush Limbaugh. (Please.) On Monday, his voice dripping with contempt, Limbaugh even questioned the religious faith of […]

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Entity Spearheading CSCOPE Attacks Is a For-Profit Political Consulting Business

The Austin-based news website Quorum Report (subscription required) today notes that the entity that helped organize Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s Monday press conference attacking the CSCOPE curriculum management system is a for-profit, “Tea-Party-for-hire group” that goes by the name Voices Empower. Run by North Texas political activist Alice Linahan, Voices Empower specializes in marketing and […]

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