Tell the Houston City Council: Pass the Equal Rights Ordinance

Heads up, Houston: you’re on the verge of joining other major Texas cities in passing an equal rights ordinance. If it passes, Houstonians will finally be protected from discrimination in employment, housing and public services. But we’ve got some work to do, and that’s where you come in. This Wednesday, April 30, the Houston City Council’s Quality of […]

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Extremist Lauded by TX Legislator as a 'Brave Patriot' Wonders if 'Negroes' Better Off as 'Slaves, Picking Cotton'

It turns out that the Nevada anti-government extremist lauded recently by Texas state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, as a “brave patriot” has some pretty offensive things to say about African Americans. Earlier this month hundreds of armed, anti-government “militia” activists converged on Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada. They did so to support Bundy, who has been illegally grazing […]

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Far-right Org Wants Textbooks to Portray Southern Whites as Victims after the U.S. Civil War

A right-wing organization long involved in the Texas textbook wars wants new history textbooks to portray the treatment of former Confederate states and white southerners after the U.S. Civil War as similar to the British treatment of its colonies in the years leading up the American Revolution. “Radical Reconstruction (1867-1877) featured numerous serious constitutional problems, many of which reprised […]

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Rafael Cruz Falsely Claims San Antonio Will Fine Pastors Who Preach Against Homosexuality

Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, is joining David Barton in spreading blatant mistruths about San Antonio’s revised Nondiscrimination Ordinance. That ordinance now bars discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and public accommodations. Barton told hundreds of pastors gathered in Austin earlier this month that the ordinance bars anyone who criticizes […]

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