Supreme Court’s Birth Control Decision Redefines ‘Religious Freedom’

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in a 5-4 decision, that for-profit companies like Hobby Lobby can opt out of the requirement that employers include coverage for birth control in their employee health insurance plans. We just sent out the following press release criticizing this reckless decision. SUPREME COURT’S BIRTH CONTROL DECISION REDEFINES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM […]

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Houston RR Group Makes Big Sunday Church Push for Anti-Gay Referendum

An email from the far-right Houston Area Pastor Council today calls on pastors “to serve as the turning point in the anti-family tide” by using their churches this Sunday to collect signatures for a referendum overturning the city’s recently passed Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). From the email: Pastors, that is a reminder that we can gather signatures […]

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Rick Perry's Cynical Explanation

Texas Gov. Rick Perry got a lot of criticism earlier this month when he compared homosexuality to alcoholism while answering questions at an event in San Francisco: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding […]

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Texas Religious-Righter Insists Gay Activists Want to Throw Opponents in Jail — Even Concentration Camps

A Texas religious-righter is providing a case study in trying to become a leading voice for a cause that history is leaving behind. Jonathan Saenz, the lawyer/lobbyist who heads up Texas Values, has clearly decided that sounding like a raving hate-monger will make him a big boy among anti-gay extremists. As Media Matters reported on Tuesday, Saenz is now arguing that supporters of […]

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