Beloved Progressive Champion Bettie Naylor Passes Away in Austin

We are  deeply saddened to hear that Bettie Naylor, an icon and champion in the movements for women’s rights, gay rights and reproductive choice and a founding member of the Texas Freedom Network, has died. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller talked about Bettie’s legacy today:

“Bettie was at the first grassroots event I attended in Austin when I moved here more than 20 years ago. From my time at Planned Parenthood through my early days at TFN, my days working against domestic violence and again here at TFN, one constant was Bettie Naylor and her activism, her optimism and her can-do spirit. I and everyone else at TFN will miss her very much.”

In reporting about Naylor’s passing, Marques Harper of the Austin American-Statesman writes:

“Friends said she believed in standing up for people who didn’t have a voice, and that it was hard for people — friend or political foe — to say, ‘No,’ to Naylor, a friend of late Gov. Ann Richards.”

Bettie was also a founding member of the National Women’s Political Caucus and of the Human Rights Campaign. The American-Statesman noted that Nayor and her partner, Libby Sykora, supported a long list of other organizations, including AIDS Services of Austin, Project Transitions, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, Annie’s List, Atticus Circle, Planned Parenthood, Capital Area Democratic Women, Zach Theatre, the Long Center for the Performing Arts, Paramount Theatre and American Youthworks.

One thought on “Beloved Progressive Champion Bettie Naylor Passes Away in Austin

  1. “She is in Hell now.”

    Back in 2000, a Christian fundamentalist woman who was a regular poster at the “Alabama!Live” religion forum would post that statement upon the death of anyone who was not judged to hold the exact same beliefs as her. Usually, it was some famous celebrity such as Bob Hope.

    Recently, a fundie columnist in our local newspaper explained that upon the moment of death, the human soul goes immediately to Heaven to stand alone right in front of the Father (God) to be judged. Those who do not pass muster are then immediately sent to Hell. It kind of makes you wonder about the purpose of Daniel and Revelation. Why go through all of that when you can have a fundie shortcut icon on your desktop and bypass the whole process.

    All I can say is this. If she and Ann Richards are in Hell tonight, Satan and his demons are probably fleeing for their lives through every doorway.

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