Discovery Institute is So Wrong

Science writer Carl Zimmer has been having a back-and-forth with the Discovery Institute — the main group advocating inserting “intelligent design”/creationism into public school science classes. As Zimmer illustrates by proving each of the Discovery Institute’s employees’ arguments incorrect, one could easily conclude that DI’s support of teaching students pseudo-science is based on the simple […]

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Stand Up for Science Going Viral?

Is our Stand Up for Science campaign going viral on the Web? Recently, our campaign to prevent the State Board of Education from torpedoing Texas schools’ science curriculum appeared on Current TV’s site in a story about the attempts by the board’s far-right faction to insert religion into the classroom. Then, renowned biologist and outspoken […]

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Politicizing Pastors: Scarborough/Kline Edition

It looks like Rick Scarborough, head of the Texas-based far-right group Vision America, is back on the stump preaching the merits of a politicized pulpit. But, judging by attendance at the most recent event held by Scarborough in Overland Park, near Kansas City, Mo., pastors may be tiring of this cynical game. The Scarborough-designed event, […]

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The Saddleback Civil Forum

Melissa Rogers, professor of religion and public policy at Wake Forest University Divinity School, is keeping a close eye on the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. The forum, to be hosted by Dr. Rick Warren (founding pastor of the 22,000-member Orange County, Calif. megachurch), will feature Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain making […]

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Ferguson on the SBOE

Constitutional scholar and Baptist minister John Ferguson yesterday weighed in on the vague, very general Bible curriculum standards adopted by the State Board of Education in the Abilene Reporter News: As a father and a man of faith, I am concerned whenever government gets involved in my religion or my kids’ lives. Then when the […]

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