Postcards from Alaska III

The Alaska Supreme Court has just slammed the door on the Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute‘s efforts to shut down the so-called “Troopergate” investigation involving Sarah Palin, Alaska’s governor and the Republican vice-presidential nominee. The court’s decision means investigators may release a report tomorrow on whether Palin improperly pressured her public safety commissioner to fire her […]

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Dissenting from Science

Far-right groups like the Free Market Foundation (the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family) are now dredging up a discredited project by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute in an attempt to “prove” that mainstream science is torn by controversy over evolution. Supporters of the seven-year-old Dissent from Darwin project claim that more than 700 scientists from around the […]

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Quote o’ the Day

From today’s TFN News Clips… “Not anti-religious. Anti-Christian.” — Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, warning a university student reporter that 90 percent of his professors are anti-Christian. Perhaps it’s comforting to know that our neighbors north of the Red River have their share of wing nuts as well. Want to get Texas Freedom […]

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Experts, Shmexperts. Who Needs ‘Em?

Was anyone else appalled by Monday’s guest column from Perry Glanzer and Wesley Null in the Austin American-Statesman? Glanzer and Null, education professors at Baylor University, were sharply critical of the new 21st-Century Science Coalition. The coalition of more than 1,000 Texas scientists insists that the State Board of Education shouldn’t water down instruction on evolution when it adopts new science […]

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