Attacks on Cancer Research Funding Proposal an Example of Political Extremism Blocking Responsible Medical Research

Attacks on Cancer Research Funding Proposal an Example of Political Extremism Blocking Responsible Medical Research

Politics Shouldn’t Stand in the Way of Hope for Patients Fighting for Their Lives, TFN President Says

November 5, 2007

As Texas voters consider providing $3 billion in public funding for cancer research, the president of the Texas Freedom Network today denounced extremist attacks on sound, ethical medical research by an array of far-right pressure groups.

“These cynical attacks on funding for cancer research are an example of political extremism at its worst,” TFN President Kathy Miller said. “Once again we see pressure groups pushing political obstacles in the way of sound science and hope for so many patients fighting for their lives.”

Proposition 15 would provide $3 billion in public funding for cancer research in Texas. Even Gov. Rick Perry and House Speaker Tom Craddick have supported the measure. Yet fringe pressure groups like Vision America, Texas Eagle Forum and Texans for Life Coalition on the far right say they oppose the measure because medical researchers might someday use the money to fund research into how embryonic stem cells could treat or cure cancer.

In 2005, legislative opponents of embryonic stem cell research were willing to block critical funding for higher education facilities in an attempt to bar that promising form of medical research. Now those opponents are willing to block even hope for cancer patients and their families, Miller said.

Some of those opponents, such as Lufkin-based Vision America, have even used their opposition to Proposition 15 to solicit donations from supporters who oppose stem cell research.

“Their stubborn, single-minded opposition to promising stem cell research jeopardizes medical progress and hope for so many Texas families suffering from serious medical conditions,” Miller said. “Even worse, those groups are cynically using their opposition to Proposition 15 as a fundraising tool to attack stem cell research in the future.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who advance a mainstream agenda supporting public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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