What Would the Founders Do?

What would the Founders say about the governor of Texas partnering with a hate group to hold an all-day prayer and fasting rally? Our friends at the Anti-Defamation League would like to help you answer that question.

The ADL, in partnership with the Texas Freedom Network, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Houston’s Jewish Community Center would like to invite you to:

A Community Briefing:
“Roger Williams, Thomas Jefferson, and the Origins of First Amendment Religious Freedoms”

Keynote speaker: First Amendment scholar and attorney David Furlow

Tuesday, July 26
7:30 — 9 p.m.
Jewish Community Center
5601 South Braeswood
Houston, Texas 77096

RSVP required to Katy Lennox at [email protected]

This event will enhance the community’s understanding of the importance of First Amendment religious freedoms and will offer historical and legal insights into The Response, a prayer and fasting rally hosted by Gov. Rick Perry also in Houston the week following this briefing.

Gov. Perry’s rally has been billed as an apolitical gathering of Christians. But the governor’s involvement and his partnership with a hate group, the American Family Association, has raised concerns that the rally is simply an effort to use faith to divide Americans for political gain.

We hope to see you in Houston for this great event.

One thought on “What Would the Founders Do?

  1. Yes. Roger Williams—the original FOUNDER of the Baptist faith in the United States and father of the state of Rhode Island. All Baptists—including Southern Baptists—reverenced his name in public, and it was taught in Baptist churches to members for 341 years of American history. The original idea of separation of church and state in this country was his—and it was held high by American Baptists for 300+ years. This good and faithful man was literally—literally—the George Washington of the Baptist faith in the United States.

    Then the Presslerites and Pattersonites took over the Southern Baptist Convention in 1979. Afterwards, you would think the man had never even existed. The founder—erased from public memory like Lidice. Have any of you current Southern Baptists ever learned about his life and work in one of your childhood Sunday school classes after 1979? If you did, I would wager that you are rarer than a corn flake on the floor of a roving dog.

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