The Week in Quotes (Jan. 8 – 14)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

San Antonio-born author Rick Riordan, declining an invitation from the Texas Legislature after senate Republicans filed a bill which would bar transgender people from using public restrooms consistent with their gender identity.

Just turned down an invite to be honored by TX state legislature as a Texas author. If they want to honor me, they could stop this nonsense.


State Sen. José Rodriguez, D-El Paso, on the 85th Texas Legislature.

The Legislature is much more partisan than it used to be, and that has affected how we do business, and not in a good way. I don’t think most Texans see a lot of these issues as priorities, when the state has so many needs and a large shortfall in the budget.


President Obama, in his farewell address before leaving office.

It has been the honor of my life to serve you. I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my remaining days.


Phillip Jones, president and CEO of VisitDallas, speaking against the anti-LGBT Senate Bill 6 that Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has made a priority.

Discrimination of any kind is wrong.If passed, this legislation will have devastating consequences on our economy.


Ben Carson, when asked if he would protect the rights of LGBTQ Americans as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Of course, I would enforce all the laws of the land. Of course, I think all Americans should be protected by the law. What I have said before is I don’t think anyone should get ‘extra rights.’

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