The Week in Quotes (Dec. 3 – 9)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Chris Turner, chairman of the Texas House Democratic Caucus, on the Republican Caucus voting unanimously to change its rules for how it picks the House speaker.

“It sounds like a reality TV show — who’s going to get voted off the island first?”


Kathy Miller, TFN’s President, in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to decline the Houston LGBTQ spousal benefits case.

“Politicians who are openly hostile to treating everyone equally under the law will now redouble their efforts to render the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage ruling almost meaningless for same-sex couples.”


Dr. Samantha Allen, reporter for the Daily Beast, on the “wedding cake” Supreme Court case.

“In any other reality than the current scandal-a-second Trumpian political atmosphere, the White House declaring support for anti-gay signs in the windows of public-facing businesses would be A Big Deal.”

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