VIDEO: Rev. Eric Folkerth at Faith Advocacy Day

Here’s another great video from last month’s Faith Advocacy Day at the Texas Capitol, during which people of faith and faith leaders stood for full equality for all LGBT Texans.

This clips is of Rev. Eric Folkerth of Northaven United Methodist Church in Dallas. A transcripts of his prepared remarks follow the video.

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We are gathered here today at our state capitol as a new coalition of faith leaders from around our great state. We come for different faith traditions, but we stand today with a common voice and goal: We seek the just treatment of our LGBT brothers and sisters under the law of the state.

We believe passionately that there are many places throughout our state, and even at the state level, where addition protections under the law are needed for our LGBT friends. Our message is actually a positive one. We believe these laws strengthen every Texas family, bring together our communities, and protect rights in a way that is important for all of us.

My own commitment to this cause comes from the blessings I have received as the pastor of Northaven Church in Dallas. Our congregation is blessed to have within it a large number of LGBT people. Gays and straights all live, worship, and pray together within our walls. And all of us have learned that we are stronger together, as we raise our families together, and seek to be be God’s community of faith.

But I recognize, as a happily married straight man, that I am often afforded a level of legal and social protection that our LGBT members are still not afforded in many cases. So, today, I am thinking of Randy and Victor; and their two children. I am thinking of Mary and Lisa; and their daughter. I am thinking of Barry, who is a college professor, and of Ed who is a truck driver. All of them are a part of the beautiful LGBT community that I have come to know and love.

All of them are faithful members of our church. I’ve had the good fortune to worship, pray, and serve God alongside of them. All of them are upstanding citizens in our community. All of pay taxes, work hard, and are blessings to their neighbors and friends.

And the idea that any of them might be discriminated under state or local laws is absolutely unacceptable. Not only is this unacceptable to me as, a minister of the Gospel, but it’s unacceptable to straight members, who cannot fathom why any community in Texas would discriminate against LGBT people.

Thankfully, many of the companies and cities in the DFW area have already passed non-discrimination laws that are accepted and embraced by the whole population. So, our positive message to the rest of the State is: Have no fear. No one here today is asking for special rights or privileges. We are simply asking that the rights of LGBT persons not be diminished because of who they are and whom they love. There is nothing to fear, and everything to gain in treating all our citizens with dignity, respect, and justice under the law.

Finally, I am here because of the call of my own faith tradition – the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The Jewish faith, and the sayings of Mohammed both mirror this same spiritual truth: The most powerful and just way to treat all of our brothers and sisters is to treat them the way you would wish to be treated. The call of our faith, the call of justice under the law, compels us to this.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Rev. Eric Folkerth at Faith Advocacy Day

  1. Dear Eric – thanks for this fine statement. You are upholding the tradition of Methodism and of Northaven UMC. My wife and I were in the service Nov. 26, 1963, when Bill Holmes preached the great sermon – One thing worse than this – in which he declared Dallas should not absolve itself from responsibility for the atmosphere of hatred(citing three examples) for the assassination of JFK.
    Rev. Bert Clayton, Perkins Grad 1964

  2. This is how anyone of faith should be speaking out for the protection of the rights of those who are LGBT people. Any faith community that bases their intolerance of LGBT people on a few scriptures has forsaken their message of love and liberty for all.

    We are not a Christian nation, and especially of the fundamentalist Christian kind. Christianity though wide spread is not and never has been the State religion. Even if the several states wanted to do so, we could never assert that Christianity could become the state endorsed religion.

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