URGENT: It’s Anti-LGBT Discrimination Day at the Capitol

YallMeansAllThings have moved incredibly fast at the Texas Legislature in the last 24 hours, with both the House and the Senate meeting today and likely taking up anti-LGBT measures.

Your action is needed ASAP. We ask you to please make calls to your state representatives and state senators on these issues:

Call Your State Representative –
“Bathroom” Amendment

Texas House members are expected to offer a so-called “bathroom bill” amendment to SB 2078 that would target transgender schoolchildren for discrimination.

Call You State Senator –
Foster Care and Adoptions

In the Senate, it appears that HB 3859 will finally get a vote. This bill would allow child welfare providers that contract with the state to discriminate against LGBT families in foster care and adoptive placements.

Please contact your state representative and your state senator TODAY. Your message to them is simple: Oppose any and all attempts to discriminate against LGBT Texans.

Texas should be an open and welcoming state. If we don’t stop these bills today, lawmakers could well be on their way to legalizing discrimination.

Enter your address for contact info for your rep and senator

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