URGENT ACTION ALERT: Dangerous Religious Refusal Bill Heads to House Floor

Yall Means All

The Texas House is scheduled to vote on a dangerous religious refusal bill — this one targeting both LGBT families AND reproductive rights. 

House Bill 3859 by state Rep. James Frank, R-Wichita Falls, would allow child-welfare providers that contract with the state to discriminate against LGBT families in foster care and adoption placements — and it could also block access to birth control or abortion services for teens in the state’s CPS system.

Please make a phone call to your state representative and tell them you oppose this bill.


What HB 3859 does

If this bill becomes law, child welfare service providers (including adoption and foster care agencies) that receive taxpayer dollars would be allowed to refuse to serve LGBT children and families by citing personal religious beliefs. The bill could also allow state-funded contractors to cite their religious beliefs in blocking access to birth control or abortion services for teens, even when these services are in their best interests.


Submit your address below to find contact info for your state representative

When you call, tell your representative:

  • The clear purpose of HB 3859 is to allow discrimination against LGBT children and families — and discrimination is wrong.
  • Current laws and regulations in Texas already balance the convictions of religiously affiliated child welfare service providers with the needs and beliefs of children they serve. There is no history of problems this change would remedy.
  • Teens in the state child welfare system should be allowed access to birth control and abortion care when it is in their best interest — particularly in situations involving sexual assault. This bill could make it more difficult for them to access those services by placing the religious convictions of the contractor over the best interests of the young person.

For more about this bill, download TFN’s fact sheet on HB 3859

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