Top Religious Liberty Stories of 2009

The Baptist Joint Committee, which advocates out of traditional Baptist principles for separation of church state, has listed its top stories from 2009 dealing with religious liberty. Curriculum battles over science and social studies in Texas public schools missed the Top 10 but got an “honorable mention.” Because of the BJC’s work as a legal organization, its list of top stories leans heavily toward controversies involving the courts and constitutional issues. Among the group’s Top 10 stories:

  • David Souter’s replacement by Sonia Sotomayor on the U.S. Supreme Court
  • A court ruling against Christian-themed license plates in South Carolina
  • Controversial bans against Muslim headscarves
  • U.S. foreign affairs and the role of religion
  • Concern by progressives over whether the Obama administration will strongly support separation of church and state

Check out the full list here.

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