The Week in Quotes (Sept. 16 – 22)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Rick Perry, on a Tuesday conference call with fellow evangelicals.

In fact, it may be growing stronger as President Obama and his cronies in Washington continue their effort to remove any trace of religion from American life. And it falls on us. I mean we truly are Christian warriors, Christian soldiers, and it’s for us as Americans to stand our ground and to firmly send a message to Washington that our nation is about more than some secular laws and activist courts.

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Bryan Fischer, a spokesperson for the American Family Association. The AFA — which the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as a hate group — organized Gov. Perry’s Houston prayer rally in August 2011, just before he announced his presidential bid.

I think if Mitt Romney loses this election that the pro-family leaders in the United States should get together with Rick Perry on Nov. 7 and start planning for 2016.

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Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, noted for calling Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith a cult last year.

And so those of us who have said yes [to Mitt Romney], we’re going to support him as the lesser of two evils, but at the same time, we’re making very clear that we’re doing so realizing Mormonism is not Christianity.

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Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, in a Facebook exchange with a Houston law student.

Get a grip fellow — if you want to be an American act like one and be proud of our country and stand up for our military. If you can’t do that then go where people are sensative [sic] enough for you — I guess that would be Afghanistan — where they still live like they are in the Stone Age — but still very sensative.

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Texas state Rep. Charlie F. Howard, in a letter to Gov. Rick Perry, urging him to appoint Michael Williams — “a true conservative” — as Texas education commissioner in 2002. Williams was recently appointed education commissioner.

We need someone who will support the teaching of phonics, ensure that our textbooks are free of liberal bias and green pseudo-science, and see to it that we have an assessment test that really tests our students’ knowledge.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Sept. 16 – 22)

  1. Perhaps Rick Perry, he who possesses the intellect of an ant, would be so kind to expand his attack-on-religion fantasy back to the time of the American Revolution – which was in the 16th Century, according to ant brain Perry.

  2. What does that guy mean with ‘teaching of phonics’ and why is it his first priority? I know that spelling is an art mastered by few but I also seem to remember that the charge of ‘grammar nazism’ usually comes from the right. Or does he mean that education should be limited to the 3 R’s (reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetics)? I guess it would be more honest had he written phony instead of phonics 😉
    Just a personal observation: ‘Orthography by ear’ is rampant on the net and I usually find that it correlates strongly with the right wing type of ignorance and views on US exceptionalism. Lefty loonies usually at least know how to spell.

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