The Week in Quotes (Oct. 27 – Nov. 2)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Tracy Pyland, a Values Voter Summit attendee who was asked about her view on Pope Francis’ apparent desire to disengage from the culture wars.

That’s infuriating. That man needs to read his Bible.

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David Barton, asserting that climate change was an example of God’s judgment “on the spot” for sins like abortion.

A door has been opened and we have said, ‘You know, we embraced a wicked policy.’ Okay, then I’ll take my hand of protection off your nation and whap, here comes storms like we’ve never seen before. And here comes floods like we’ve never seen before. And here comes the climate stuff that we can’t explain. All the hot times and all the cold times. Too much rain and not enough rain. And we’re flooding over here and we’ve got droughts over here.

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Marc Grizzard, of Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, North Carolina, who says that the first King James translation of the Bible is the only true declaration of God’s word, and that all others are “satanic”.

[We will be burning] books by a lot of different authors who we consider heretics, such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren… the list goes on and on.

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An unidentified Iowa Republican operative, on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Every time one of these guys attacks him, it’s good for him He’s like a superhero. The more bullets that get shot at him, the bigger and stronger he gets

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New Mexico state Rep. Alonzo Baldonado, expressing concern that teaching yoga in school is state-sponsored religion.

Are we teaching yoga in public schools now? Are parents notified?

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The American Academy of Pediatrics, asking communities, educators, parents and doctors to make condoms more available to teens.

Although abstinence of sexual activity is the most effective method for prevention of pregnancy and STIs (sexually transmitted infections), young people should be prepared for the time when they will become sexually active. When used consistently and correctly, male latex condoms reduce the risk of pregnancy and many STIs, including HIV.

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Jean Corpus, testifying on a Hawaii same-sex marriage bill on the day it cleared its first legislative hurdle.

I’m a gay, Filipino, Catholic man. Not all religious people are against this bill.

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Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, responding to rumors spread by tea party groups that the United Nations would be given control of the Alamo.

Horse hockey.

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TFN founder and current Planned Parenthood of America President Cecile Richards, on the federal appeals court ruling that reinstated a key part of a new Texas anti-choice law.

If Texans showed America one thing during the historic protests against this law this summer, we demonstrated that Texans value women’s health — and that is why we will take every step we can to protect the health of Texas women in the wake of this ruling.

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Former Texas congressman Tom DeLay, speaking to San Antonio megachurch pastor John Hagee.

And Jesus destroyed Satan so that we could be free and that is manifested in what is called the Constitution of the United States. God created this nation and God created the Constitution; it is written on biblical principles.

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