The Week in Quotes (May 25 – 31)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker, moments after the City Council approved an Equal Rights Ordinance for the largest city in Texas.

I love this city.

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Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, stating the obvious.

Let’s face it, anybody who does not believe that gay marriage is going to be the law of the land just hasn’t been observing what’s going on.

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Eric Mahroum, one of the Republicans who ran for the Texas State Board of Education District 11 seat, speaking in favor of displaying the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.

I’m for that realizing not every child is going to have a Christian background but our country as a whole, we stem from the Judeo Christian values.

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Rev. Franklin Graham’s message to the LGBT community.

I love them enough to care to warn them that if they want to continue living like this, it’s the flames of hell for you.

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Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention, after admitting a Muslim to one of its doctoral programs.

This young man asked about the Ph.D. program, and I told him we don’t normally admit non-born-again believers to the seminary, but there is no reason we can’t.

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Maya Angelou. The renowned poet, novelist and civil rights activist died Wednesday at the age of 86.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

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Joe the Plumber’s callous message to the families of the victims of the Isla Vista shooting.

I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now. But: As harsh as this sounds — your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.

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Gregory T. Angelo, the Log Cabin Republicans’ national executive director, on the group being denied a booth at the upcoming Texas Republican Party state convention.

This isn’t about disagreements we may have on civil marriage; this isn’t about the party platform — this is about an anti-gay wing of the party that hates gay people so much they can’t even stand to see us acknowledged as a necessary part of a winning Republican coalition.

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Advise from “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson to the Republican party.

GOP, you can’t be right for America if you’re wrong with God. You want to turn the Republican Party around? Get godly.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (May 25 – 31)

  1. “Let’s face it, anybody who does not believe that gay marriage is going to be the law of the land just hasn’t been observing what’s going on.”

    Yes. Orrin Hatch is a conservative Republican from an even more conservative Mormon state. If he sees the handwriting on the wall, then the handwriting really is on the wall.

    Like I said: EPIC FAIL

    I can’t wait to see the next place the Religious Right draws a line in the sand that cannot be crossed. However, from what I am hearing in various places, including blogs that deal with Christian issues, I would guess that the next line in the sand will be the Christian fundamentalist and conservative evangelical:


    This war will be driven by two major factors:

    1) A strong belief that contraception was the primary factor that liberated women and caused the so-called Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. Just like with evolution, contraception set into play a series of falling dominoes that is destroying American culture from the inside out. Liberals and progressives let this evil genie out of its bottle, and it is imperative for right wing religious nutjobs to reinsert it into the bottle by destroying the root cause—contraception. If this is not done soon, the United States will never survive.

    2) Not enough white babies are being born. To stave off the coming “brown man” apocalypse that will destroy traditional America (white America and particularly white southern/rural America). All forms of contraception must be discouraged or made illegal so more white babies can be born—before it is too late. I suspect we will see some enormous hypocrisy here—namely—behind the scenes campaigns that discourage the use of contraception by white people and encourage its clandestine used by various shades of “brown people.”

    Better put on your aluminum foil hats.

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