The Week in Quotes (March 30 – April 5)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Steve Huston of the American Decency Association, railing against a graham cracker ad that featured a same-sex couple. Huston claims Satan is behind the ad.

It’s not a matter of acceptance; it’s a matter of an evil agenda which is being pushed upon America and around the world. Satan continues to attack God’s design and skew it to his own workings. He continues to take words like “wholesome” and “family” and twist them for his own purposes. He takes a symbol of God’s promise (the rainbow) and hijacks it, twisting it to his own design. Satan calls it normal; God calls it sin. We live in a day when “evil” is called “good” and “good” is called “evil.” That which is meant to glorify God (family, the church, etc) is being taken and bent out of shape until it is hardly recognizable.

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Tony Diaz, a college professor and Mexican-American studies advocate, on the approval of a resolution in support of Mexican-American studies in Texas public schools by the board of the Houston Independent School District.

Unanimous is beautiful.

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Southern Baptist Convention leader Richard Land responding to a radio caller on Family Research Council’s radio show, “Washington Watch.”

I certainly think that elections have consequences and frankly I think that President Barack Obama is a judgment of God on the United States because we have allowed 54 million of our unborn citizens to be aborted legally in the United States since 1973.

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South Carolina state Sen. Kevin Bryant’s attempt to derail an eight-year-old girl’s request to make the woolly mammoth the state fossil.

I think it’s very important that we acknowledge the Creator when we’re acknowledging some of his wonderful creations.

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U.S. Rep. Randy Weber, R-Texas, attempting to mock a scientist testifying before a House panel.

So I was just wondering how that related, like, for example, to global warming and eventually global cooling. And I may want to get your cell phone because if we do go through a couple cycles — global warming and then back to global cooling — I need to know when to buy my long coat on sale. You know, I just don’t know how y’all prove those hypotheses going back 50, 100 mill — what you might say thousands, even millions of years, how you postulate those forward.

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The message that greeted users of Mozilla’s Firefox browser when logging on to dating site OKCupid. The company was protesting Mozilla’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, who supported an anti-same-sex marriage campaign.

Hello there, Mozilla Firefox users. Pardon this interruption of your OkCupid experience.

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U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert’s redefinition of separation of church and state.

But it was to be a one-way wall, where the state would not dictate to the church. But the church would certainly play a role in the state.

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New York Daily News columnist Don Kaplan’s response to creationist who have been demanding equal time on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s reboot of “Cosmos.”

Apparently, these people didn’t get the memo: Fox can do what it wants. Even if that means excluding creationism and instead creating and airing a magnificent show that glorifies knowledge, learning and understanding.

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Amy Hagstrom Miller, president and CEO of Whole Woman’s Health, after the filing of another federal lawsuit Wednesday challenging a new provision of Texas’ restrictions on abortion.

Our elected officials lied to all of us, HB2 has nothing to do with improving women’s health and safety; but rather it is a proven and successful strategy to end safe abortion care for women in Texas.

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Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, during a speech at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University.

I’m so inspired; I may get an eagle tattooed on my chest.

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3 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (March 30 – April 5)

  1. “We live in a day when ‘evil’ is called ‘good’ and ‘good’ is called “evil.”

    Yep. He’s right about that. Once upon a time about 2000 years ago, this really nice guy taught us:

    “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31)

    The Religious Right and their fundie and conservative church minions piss on this command daily as if it were the mess standing in an outhouse hole.

    Jesus said: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. (Luke 4:18)

    The Religious Right and their fundie and conservative church friends work daily to take away government programs that help these people that Jesus loves—and they verbally assault them as if all are liars, cheats, and thieves.

    Yes, we live in a day when the Religious Right and their friends call “evil” good and call “good” evil. Only they do not just call it with their mouths, they go out in the streets and halls of government to actually do this evil against “the least of these.”

    Jesus said: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)

    Am I an accuser of the brethren? Damn right I am an accuser of the brethren—but only because the brethren deserve it for abandoning Christ and his teachings in favor of their lusts for wealth, position, and power.

  2. But it was to be a one-way wall, where the state would not dictate to the church. But the church would certainly play a role in the state.

    Could someone try to explain the principle of osmosis to this guy, please? It inevitably leads to bloat and then burst and to serious counterpressure too. 😉

    1. These people are ignorant of the U.S. Constitution and what it means. They have some ideas in their heads about what they desperately want it to mean—but it does not mean those things and never has.

      1) Basically, they thing the establishment clause means that the government cannot make a Baptist become a Methodist. What it really means is that the government cannot establish an official religion (of any kind) and force people to accept it as their own against their will. This is really bad news for the fundies and conservative evangelicals because it also means that the government cannot establish THEIR beliefs as the favored nation religious viewpoint either. This puts them out in the cold with their little noses pressing against the window glass of government, which is where the noses of wicked totalitarians like them should be.

      2) They think the free exercise clause gives them a blank check to practice their religious rituals anytime and any place they wish, including inside your bedroom at 3:00 a.m. or with your child in a public school classroom. The U.S. Constitution grants them no such right. If you doubt me, just try crawling in a stranger’s bedroom at 3:00 a.m. and start preaching. Advice: Better wear A BULLET PROOF VEST. If any of you come after my child in a public school classroom, you and the school system are going to court.

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