The Week in Quotes (March 29 – April 4)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Mike Huckabee, inferring that the anti-discrimination and equality movements’ main goal is to destroy religion.

Where will it stop? It won’t stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel.

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Public school librarian Sara Stevenson, calling on legislators to stop their repeated efforts to pass private school voucher legislation.

My hope is that all Texans unite against these efforts to take money from our public schools. I’m optimistic that Texans will bury vouchers once again.

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State Rep. Stuart Spitzer, R-Kaufman, speaking in favor of his budget amendment to strip $3 million from HIV prevention programs and shift the funding to abstinence education.

My goal is for everyone to be abstinent until they are married.

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State Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Beford, on the marathon debate expected today in the Texas House of Representatives over the proposed state budget.

It’ll be a bloody day on the House floor.

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John Jarnecke, president of the separatist group Republic of Texas, which claims that Texas and the U.S. didn’t legally join.

Our motto is “One Nation Under One God.” If you’re Muslim, or whatever, then you’re not going to agree with us. The border’s that way.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (March 29 – April 4)

  1. Well, Mr Spitzer, my goal is to stop the tide from coming in this afternoon. Why don’t we have a little competition on which of us has better success?

  2. Sometimes I wonder about the mental health of people like Huckabee and Robertson et al. Certainly their hate towards anyone who isn’t then goes against common sense.

    Homosexuals have no agenda that I have ever seen; it is made up, like the boogie man. Yet those guys foam at the mouth against things about which they are ignorant.

    Huckabee thinks that gays are destroying the “church.” That shows that he is mentally unstable. Only 83% of this country claim Christianity as their religion. There are fewer than 6 million gays in this country and 720 million “straights.” How in the name of sanity can they do anything against the churches especially when so many of then ARE Christians themselves.
    Robertson thinks that atheists have no sense of right and wrong. His statements are enough to make me believe that he is a saddist.
    But the big thing here is that I WANT MY RELIGIOUS rights back. I am not a Christian, nor do I WANT to be one.
    The real reason that church membership roles are going down is because the new generations are not afraid of the “other.” They eschew the hate and bigotry they hear in the typical church today.

    Give me liberty or, well, you know the rest.

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