The Week in Quotes (Feb. 2 – 8)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Creationist Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, speaking in Tuesday night’s “debate” with Bill Nye The Science Guy about the Texas Freedom Network and other supporters of science education.

(T)hey are imposing the religion of naturalism/atheism on generations of students. They are imposing their ideology on the students, that everything is described by natural processes. That is a religion.

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Televangelist Pat Robertson, rebuking Ken Ham and other young Earth creationists a day after Ham debated Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Let’s be real, let’s not make a joke of ourselves.

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Victor Holmes, on Gov. Rick Perry telling gay and lesbian couples to move to another state when he signed Texas’ same-sex marriage ban in 2005. Holmes is one of the plaintiffs suing in federal court to have the ban overturned.

What he says defines the individual, not the state. I love Texas. I’ve been to other states and countries and this is the place where I want to live. I don’t see why I have to go somewhere else.

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Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, on one of his primary opponents for the Republican lieutenant governor nomination, state Sen. Dan Patrick.

I don’t not enjoy him. I just think he’s a combination between Barnum & Bailey, Pappy O’Daniel and Huey Long all thrown into one.

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WXIA anchor Brenda Wood, responding to the right-wing outrage over a Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercial that featured the singing of “American the Beautiful” in different languages.

The quote on the Statue of Liberty doesn’t say: ‘Give me your English-speaking-only, Christian-believing, heterosexual masses.’ It says: ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … tempest-tossed.’

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Ken Cope, one of seven Republicans running against Sen. John Cornyn in the March 4 primary, calling on Rep. Steve Stockman to drop out, asserting that he has become an embarrassment to the party.

The unserious antics you have engaged in since entering the Senate race have done damage to the Republican brand.

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Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, following the approval of same-sex and domestic partner benefits for county employees.

I believe this steps forward, allowing two adults — regardless of their relationship with each other — to qualify for this program.

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President Obama, opening his remarks at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast with a friendly acknowledgment of breakfast co-host Louie Gohmert.

I, by the way, have always found Louie to be unbelievably gracious every time I’ve see him. Now, I don’t watch TV.

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Hector De Leon, a chairman of the Associated Republicans of Texas, on the rhetoric being used in the Republican lieutenant governor campaign.

I understand the need to address the issue of illegal immigration, and I understand the need to secure borders, and I realize that’s critically important. But by the same token, that issue can be addressed by not engaging in rhetoric that sounds like thinly veiled racism.

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BONUS: Seven zingers from the Bill Nye-Ken Ham Debate.

One thought on “The Week in Quotes (Feb. 2 – 8)

  1. “I understand the need to address the issue of illegal immigration, and I understand the need to secure borders, and I realize that’s critically important. But by the same token, that issue can be addressed by not engaging in rhetoric that sounds like thinly veiled racism.”

    This has never been about immigration reform. It has always been about:

    “How do we keep the taco-eaters out of Texas.”

    What the other candidates mean is:

    “We fought a war back in 1846-1848 to git the Mexicans outa Texas. Now, here they are all a comin’ back agin. When will we wake up to the reality that real Americans have last names like Houston, Travis, Washington, Jefferson, and Madison? People that ain’t real Americans have last names like Gomez, Segura, Garcia, Lopez, and Juan.

    It reminds me of the late 1960s:

    “Hello. This is Melvin Munn from Dallas with Freedom Talk No. 123. When on Earth are we going liberate America by giving these hippies a haircut…”

    Alert!!! All good and kind Hispanic people in Texas. The Republican Party HATES YOU.

    That is all you need to know.

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