The Week in Quotes (Aug. 28 – Sept. 3)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

State Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, on a Louisiana prison program that served as a model for Texas’ first seminary within a prison, scheduled to be inaugurated today at the maximum-security Darrington prison south of Houston.

I’ve never seen so many people serving life terms walking around with a smile on their face.

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Texas A&M University climate scientist Andrew Dessler, in response to claims by Gov. Rick Perry that scientists have manipulated data on climate change for financial gain.

I went into science because I wanted to devote my life to the search for scientific knowledge and to make the world a better place. That’s the same noble goal that motivates most scientists.

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Ted Miller, a spokesman for NARAL Pro-Choice America, on Rick Perry’s stance on abortion during his term as governor of Texas.

In Rick Perry’s Texas, politics trumps sound science. The end result [of his tenure] is more political interference and less freedom and privacy for women in his state.

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry, during a meeting with social conservatives hosted by Dr. James Leininger last weekend.

I can assure you that there is nothing in my life that will embarrass you if you decide to support me for president.

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One-time Texas Republican gubernatorial nominee Clayton Williams, in a 2008 letter to Gov. Rick Perry that asked the governor to quell a debate over creationism at the State Board of Education.

If Texas enters into a debate on the teaching of fundamental religious beliefs in public schools, it will tarnish our strong academic reputation, set our ability to attract top science and engineering talent to Texas back decades and severely impact our reputation as a national and global leader in energy, space, medicine and other high tech fields.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Aug. 28 – Sept. 3)

  1. Well, like it or not, anything I have to say about Perry from now on will refer to him as “The Anointed One,” or some variation on it.

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