The End of the World as They Know It?

A Concerned Women for America fundraising email today includes this lament:

“Recently 133 same-sex couples married in Washington State at Seattle’s City Hall. That number is growing, and will continue to grow, as states around our great nation turn away from Biblical morality and marriage as God created and intended: one man, one woman, no exceptions.”

Well, this story will really set their hair on fire.

The religious right’s long crusade to demonize and marginalize people because of whom they love is finally showing signs of collapse. And clergy and other people of faith are among those rejecting the narrow, intolerant view of equality and God’s love promoted by groups like CWA. Of course, gay and lesbian Texans still face big obstacles to equality at the Capitol. But change is happening at the local level here as well.

All of which makes us wonder: how will religious-right groups raise money when they have no one left to demonize?

5 thoughts on “The End of the World as They Know It?

  1. “U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Matthew Phelps … proposed to his boyfriend, Ben Schock, 26, in the Grand Foyer of the White House …”

    I know it’s probably not the case, but wouldn’t it be delicious if Captain Phelps were one of the Topeka, Kansas Phelps family of “God hates fags” fame?

  2. “… Biblical morality and marriage as God created and intended: one man, one woman, no exceptions.”

    What Bible have they been reading? Biblical marriage includes concubinage, polygamy, prostitution, and incest … and that’s before you even get through Genesis! Then there’s Levirate marriage (the obligation to marry your deceased brother’s widow, even if you already have a wife) …

  3. Congrats to the happy couple, and boos and hisses to CWA. I don’t want to go back to polygamy, thank you very much, I am much happier with the change from biblical marriage to monogamy.

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