TFN’s Kathy Miller to Speak on Saturday at Capitol Rally Against the War on Women

The war on women and women’s health services has reached new heights over the past year. The Texas Legislature has limited or even ended basic health care services, including contraceptive services, for hundreds of thousands of women. The same lawmakers passed a bill forcing women who seek an abortion to undergo an invasive sonogram with a vaginal probe while their doctors lecture them from a government-mandated script. One of the leaders in those efforts openly admitted that he and his colleagues are engaged in a “war on birth control, abortion, everything — that’s what family planning is supposed to be about.” And right-wing pressure groups along with lawmakers in Washington and states across the country want an employer’s religion to dictate whether employees have access to affordable contraceptive services.

Are you tired of politicians intruding on a woman’s right to make her own decisions about contraception and other health care? Join other Texans rallying against the war on women on Saturday at the Texas Capitol in Austin.

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller will speak at the Texans Unite Against the War on Women rally. The rally begins at 4 p.m., with similar events planned in all 50 states.

Click here to learn more about the rally.

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