TFN’s ‘Contrived Near-Riots’

We thought you might like to see one of the e-mails making the rounds. This is from a Texas religious-righter, who addressed his screed to “Texas Officials” and the “Texas SBOE.”

The “BORKING” of Dr. Don McLeroy … !!!

We have now seen it happen many, many times … a perfectly good and decent person is “Politically Assassinated” by Liberal Democrats for the crime of “NOT being a Liberal Democrat.”

This UGLY, Un-American PATHOLOGY became famous back in 1987 when it was successfully used against  Robert Bork on national tv. Because Bork boldly spoke out against Judges who “Legislate from the Bench,” the Liberal Democrats in the US Senate, orchestrated a vicious smear campaign against him and denied him a seat on the US Supreme Court.

Now, the highly partisan Sen. Kirk Watson and Sen. Eliot Shapleigh and the highly partisan TEXAS FREEDOM NETWORK, have successfully brought the Satanic art of “BORKING” to Texas … ; they recently managed to smear Dr. Don McLeroy, a good and decent man, with sickening LIES. This tag-team of DEMONS claimed that Dr. McLeroy tried to force CREATIONISM into the Science Classroom, and they told this brazen LIE over and over again.

The TRUTH is that Dr. McLeroy and the SBOE have simply asked that the SCIENTIFIC METHOD be applied fairly and universally in the Science Classroom; in particular, they have ask that the SCIENTIFIC METHOD even be applied to two SACRED-COWS/RELIGIONS of the Liberal Democrats, namely, (1) Darwinian Evolution and (2) Global Warming.

However, as we all know, the TEXAS FREEDOM NETWORK and its political allies, have responded to the reasonable requirements of the SBOE, with CONTRIVED NEAR-RIOTS at several public hearings. And most recently, as if on cue, the highly partisan Sen. Watson and Sen. Shapleigh have added insult to injury, by blaming these CONTRIVED NEAR-RIOTS of the TFN, on the clearly innocent Dr. McLeroy.

In conclusion, the good and decent people of Texas have at least one very powerful recourse to this insane, demonic BORKING; following the example of St. Paul, we can “spiritually deliver” Sen. Watson and Sen. Shapleigh and the TFN, to their very own evil Leader (1 Cor 5: 4-5; 1 Tim 1: 18-20).

10 thoughts on “TFN’s ‘Contrived Near-Riots’

  1. There is an old saying that “There is a nut on every street corner.”

    This is but one wingnut on one street corner. There are many more.

    It makes one wonder what one has to do to protect himself and his family from the lunatic fringe.

  2. “evil Leader?”

    Is that an open job position? What’s it pay? Are there benefits? Would I get a car and driver?

  3. Is that last paragraph a call for assassination to deliver everyone’s souls to Satan?

    How do these people not see that they are on the wrong side of morality here?

    They seem to think that science only asks questions and never produces answers.

  4. “The “BORKING” of Dr. Don McLeroy … !!!”

    Can we replace that “B” with a “D”?

    “We have now seen it happen many, many times … a perfectly good and decent person is “Politically Assassinated” by Liberal Democrats for the crime of “NOT being a Liberal Democrat.”

    I am sure that Dr. McLeroy is a good and decent person, but that is not the point. The point is that Dr. McLeroy was opposed because he tried to rewrite the public school science curriculum to reflect his own specific religious beliefs and force those beliefs upon Texas school children and parents who do not hold those specific beliefs, including millions of Christians who do not hold those specific beliefs.

    “This UGLY, Un-American PATHOLOGY became famous back in 1987 when it was successfully used against Robert Bork on national tv. Because Bork boldly spoke out against Judges who “Legislate from the Bench,” the Liberal Democrats in the US Senate, orchestrated a vicious smear campaign against him and denied him a seat on the US Supreme Court.”

    Bork was rejected because he was a far right wing extremist idealogue. His many statements across the years since his rejection, many of which I have read or seen on TV news makes that clear. The writer of the e-mail in question would have us believe that there is no such thing as a RIGHT WING ACTIVIST FEDERAL JUDGE. I-n-k-k-k-k!!! Wrong!!!

    “Now, the highly partisan Sen. Kirk Watson and Sen. Eliot Shapleigh and the highly partisan TEXAS FREEDOM NETWORK, have successfully brought the Satanic art of “BORKING” to Texas … ; they recently managed to smear Dr. Don McLeroy, a good and decent man, with sickening LIES. This tag-team of DEMONS claimed that Dr. McLeroy tried to force CREATIONISM into the Science Classroom, and they told this brazen LIE over and over again.”

    He did. McLeroy disagrees with the findings of modern science in assorted areas and believes that HIS interpretation of the Bible should take precedence over those findings. Watson, Shapely, and TFN were simply putting the lie to this little dishonest charade. As a Christian, I firmly believe that the SBOE and Discovery Institute were the ones practicing dishonesty and deception here. Let’s see. What did Jesus say about that? Oh, yes:

    “You are of your father the devil, and
    you want to do the desires of your father.
    He was a murderer from the beginning,
    and does not stand in the truth,
    because there is no truth in him. Whenever
    he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a
    liar, and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

    “The TRUTH is that Dr. McLeroy and the SBOE have simply asked that the SCIENTIFIC METHOD be applied fairly and universally in the Science Classroom; in particular, they have ask that the SCIENTIFIC METHOD even be applied to two SACRED-COWS/RELIGIONS of the Liberal Democrats, namely, (1) Darwinian Evolution and (2) Global Warming.”

    Their definition of applying the scientific method fairly is to throw the science books into the dumpster whenever the science in those books disagrees with THEIR PECULIAR INTERPRETATION of the Bible. Right wing extremists are always trying to take over the government and use the law and police to impose their beliefs on people who do not share them—including the many millions of disagreeing Christians they hate so much.

    “However, as we all know, the TEXAS FREEDOM NETWORK and its political allies, have responded to the reasonable requirements of the SBOE, with CONTRIVED NEAR-RIOTS at several public hearings. And most recently, as if on cue, the highly partisan Sen. Watson and Sen. Shapleigh have added insult to injury, by blaming these CONTRIVED NEAR-RIOTS of the TFN, on the clearly innocent Dr. McLeroy.

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    In the far right wing extremist mindset, notice how ONLY the people who agree with them have a right “…peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” When anyone else does it, it is defined as a NEAR RIOT. I’ll retire to Bedlam.

    “In conclusion, the good and decent people of Texas have at least one very powerful recourse to this insane, demonic BORKING; following the example of St. Paul, we can “spiritually deliver” Sen. Watson and Sen. Shapleigh and the TFN, to their very own evil Leader (1 Cor 5: 4-5; 1 Tim 1: 18-20).

    Maybe you and your buddies should stand in front of the mirrors of those verses and take a good, long look at yourselves. I believe that you positively wreak of iniquity and all uncleanness.

  5. I wonder who’s going to break the news to him that the people of TFN ARE the “good and decent people of Texas.” Please keep up the good work!

  6. OMG he used CAPITAL LETTERS!!11!!!1

    That’s intellectual debate at its finest.

  7. Good grief, and it’s TFN who are the alleged speakers of hate. If that is an example of “Christian love,” I’d hate to see what Christian hate looks like.

  8. Any idea where this originated?

    I love when the CAPITAL LETTERS come out. That’s the “big guns” in forensics.

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