TFNEF Releases 2012 SBOE Voter Guide

Many of you have been waiting and asking us for it, and here it is. Today the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released our 2012 State Board of Education Voter Guide for the Nov. 6 general election. All 15 SBOE seats will be on the ballot.

You can find the voter guide at, and you can download a printable version of the guide here (PDF file).

This guide is based on a survey sent to all 35 SBOE candidates in August. As is their right, some candidates declined to respond. But 19 candidates did provide answers to 11 questions that were divided into two sections: education issues in one and board authority and process in the other. In all, we received responses from at least one candidate in each SBOE district with the exception of District 11.

The questions covered topics such as:

  • The study of evolution and climate change in science classrooms
  • The role of separation of church and state in America
  • The history of slavery and the struggles for civil and equal rights

The candidates were then given the opportunity to provide written explanations to their answers.

We encourage everyone to share this voter guide. Because all seats are on the line Nov. 6 due to redistricting, this once-a-decade election will shape the future of public education in Texas. In fact, in 2013 and 2014 the state board will decide what science and social studies textbooks Texas public schools will use for nearly a decade.

Early voting runs from Oct. 22 through Nov. 2. You can find information on registering to vote by clicking here.

If you haven’t done so already, sign the SBOE campaign pledge to get informed about state board candidates and vote this fall.

2 thoughts on “TFNEF Releases 2012 SBOE Voter Guide

  1. I would like to know what the conservative faction’s plan is for dealing with the age-old n***** and wetb*** problems in Texas? It has always seemed to me to be one of their major concerns. It’s obvious that the needle down in Hunstville is not doing a very good job of it (as planned), so I would like to know how they plan to approach their imagined problem from an educational perspective.

  2. Anything, and I do mean ANYTHING Barton says is instantly suspect. As I’ve read in the Christian books, JESUS WAS AS LIBERAL AS A LIBERAL CAN GET!

    So, Mr. Barton, I upped my attitude: Up yours!

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