TFN Statement on Texas Senate Passage of SB 3 Private School Voucher Bill


Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller has the following statement on today’s approval of Senate Bill 3 by the Texas Senate. The bill takes taxpayer dollars and funnels them to private and religious schools.

“Dan Patrick couldn’t get his Senate to support the voucher bill he wanted, so he took whatever he could get. But none of the changes made at the last minute in order to get the votes he needed change the fact that it is still a voucher bill. Voucher bills hurt public schools and hurt our kids. Texas is a voucher-free state because vouchers divert much-needed funding from neighborhood public schools to private and religious schools, they provide no accountability to taxpayers, they allow private schools to pick and choose the students they want to accept and they don’t improve student performance. Texas has rejected vouchers for two decades. It now falls to the Texas House to continue that tradition and continue to work to provide the best education possible to every student in our state.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who support religious freedom, individual liberties and public education.

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