TFN Statement: Proposed Bills Radically Redefine ‘Religious Freedom’ to Mean Using Religion to Discriminate

Statement in Response to Texas Capitol Press Conference by Anti-LGBT Group Touting Religious Refusals Bills


Today various state lawmakers joined an anti-LGBT political group at a Texas Capitol press conference touting legislation that allows individuals and businesses to refuse to obey anti-discrimination laws. Texas Freedom Network Kathy Miller has the following statement in response:

“These bills radically redefine religious freedom to mean something it never has and never should. They would allow someone, even a government official whose salary is funded by taxpayers, to use religion to discriminate against and harm other people. Moreover, they open the door to allowing individuals and businesses to misuse religion as an excuse to refuse to obey laws that everyone else has to follow. Religion should never be used as a weapon to divide us, but these lawmakers are attempting to do just that.”

Clergy spoke out last week against proposed legislation that would discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. They are part of Texas Believes, a coalition of faith leaders who support full equality for all Texans, including LGBT Texans.


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization that promotes public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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