Texas Legislator-to-Be Says There Is No Separation of Church and State

“It sounds crazy, because you ask, ‘where is the separation of church and state?’ You tell me. Where is separation of church and state? It’s not there. Somebody is determining the values of this culture and they are determining the values of those who hold public office, that are determining the future of your children, grandchildren and you. If the people in this position, as pastors and as Christian leaders, refuse to say anything, who is going to determine the perspective by which everybody lives, breathes and acts? The secularists, the humanists, the socialists. These are not empty words. This is what’s taking place.”

That’s a quote from Mark Keough, the Republican nominee for the the Texas House of Representatives seat in District 15 north of Houston. Keough, a former car salesman and currently senior pastor at The Woodlands Bible Church, made the statement in a talk to folks at his church last Sunday (October 19). He is unopposed in the November general election and will replace state Rep. Steve Toth, a Republican from The Woodlands who thinks teaching teens about birth control leads to pregnancy. Toth lost a bid for a state senate seat this year.

Keough served earlier this year on an official state panel charged with reviewing proposed new social studies textbooks for Texas public schools.

3 thoughts on “Texas Legislator-to-Be Says There Is No Separation of Church and State

  1. You could have fooled me. I have never seen a church service in a courthouse, post office, or public library. Maybe he is thinking of some other country.

  2. No.
    But now you’ve seen the Representative-Elect, as he calls himself even before the election, hold his Legislative Update in a Church. Must be a for – profit church or one that doesn’t care about their nonprofit status. By the way– in the same article he calls his primary race win a “Divine Appointment”. Scary to think about the upcoming session.

  3. Sigh…Christians think that the whole world belongs to them and that no other religion counts for anything.
    Blurring the line between religion and government is how Hitler and his bunch managed to take over Germany and we know the rest.
    That guy is a budding Nazi.

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