Task Force Betrays Spirit of National Day of Prayer

Task Force Betrays Spirit of National Day of Prayer

TFN Education Fund Report Exposes the Politics Behind National Day of Prayer Task Force

May 2, 2006

AUSTIN A national organization of conservative Christian evangelicals is betraying the spirit of the National Day of Prayer by turning events into political rallies, the president of the Texas Freedom Network said today.

“It’s sad that a day intended to bring all people of faith together in prayer has instead been co-opted by a group that limits participation to those who can pass a political litmus test,” said TFN President Kathy Miller. “This is one more example of politics being used to divide people of faith.”

This year’s National Day of Prayer is set for Thursday (May 4). Last year the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a report on the National Day of Prayer Task Force, which bills itself as an “official” sponsor of events marking the day around the country. The report reveals that the Task Force uses the day to promote a political agenda that, among other things, opposes sex education, same-sex marriage and a so-called “radical social agenda” in public schools. The 2005 report is available at http://www.tfn.org/religiousright/ndop/index.php. A briefing paper about the NDP Task Force is available at http://www.tfn.org/religiousright/ndptfbrief/index.php.

The Task Force also betrays the spirit of the National Day of Prayer by limiting participation in its events which often include speeches from elected officials to people who subscribe to a particular kind of evangelical Christianity, Miller said.

“This great day is a time for reflection on the importance of prayer for all people of faith,” Miller said. “It’s not a time for dividing Americans along religious lines in an attempt to promote a political agenda.”

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