Public schools are not Sunday schools! We’ve been telling the religious right in Texas this for almost 30 years. […]
Brown v. Board of Education Reminds Us to Reject Voucher Schemes
Marking Brown v. Board’s 70th anniversary, we examine the racist origins of vouchers and modern voucher schemes to defund public education. […]
BREAKING: Texas Legislature Adjourns Sine Die, Texas Freedom Network Rebukes Gov. Abbott’s Failed Pursuit of Extremist Voucher Schemes and Attacks on Border Communities
The Texas Legislature today adjourned sine die, ending the third special session. Gov. Abbott is expected to call a fourth special session. […]
Texas Freedom Network Condemns Gov. Abbott’s Cynical Voucher Deal, Calls on Speaker Phelan and Legislators To Reject Voucher Schemes
Gov. Abbott today announced a deal was being made with Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan regarding school vouchers. The contentiously debated program would divert tax dollars from neighborhood public schools to partially subsidize education at unregulated private and religious schools. […]
Texas Freedom Network Hosts Press Conference and Drop of Petition With Over 2700 Signatures Urging State Legislators To Oppose Voucher Schemes
The Texas Freedom Network, partners, and public education allies yesterday hosted a press conference ahead of dropping a petition with over 2700 Texans’ signatures urging members of the Texas Legislature to oppose all renewed voucher bills. […]