Bamboozler Barton Hosts Anti-Muslim Huckster

We’ll give this to him: David Barton is one of the most prolific propaganda artists around. If he’s not torturing facts himself, the religious right’s favorite phony historian is often promoting someone else who does. We were reminded of this again after seeing one of the guests Barton has scheduled this week for his web/radio […]

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Two Texas Legislators Side with Armed Anti-Government Extremists in Nevada Dispute

That some Texas legislators have an almost knee-jerk reflex when it comes to attacking government in just about every instance is old news. So it’s not surprising that Republican state representatives Debbie Riddle of Tomball and Bill Zedler of Arlington are supporting a lawbreaker and armed, anti-government extremists involved in a cattle-grazing dispute in Nevada. […]

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The SBOE Approved the Ethnic Studies Proposal. Now What?

After 2,358 of your petition signatures and testimony from dozens of Texans in support, the State Board of Education today voted to make it easier for Texas schools to offer courses in Mexican-American, African-American, Native American and Asian-American studies. The 12-2 vote means publishers will have a chance to submit to the state instructional materials […]

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Local Courses for Ethnic Studies Get Thumbs Up from Texas Ed Board

We just sent out the following press statement after the State Board of Education’sĀ vote today on ethnic studies courses in Texas public schools: The Texas State Board of Education today voted 12-2 to call for publishers to submit instructional materials next year for locally developed elective courses in Mexican-American, African-American, Asian-American and Native American studies. […]

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Far-Right Opponents of Ethnic Studies Courses in Texas Turn to Race-Baiting

Far-right activists are furious that the State Board of Education on Wednesday moved to make it easier for Texas public schools to offer elective courses in ethnic studies. Now some of those extremists have launched a racially divisive and deeply offensive campaign to stop the board from implementing that plan. ThisĀ image from the Facebook page […]

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