By James Carneiro (writer bio) TFN Student Activist The state of Texas isn’t exactly known for its level of political engagement. It ranks last in civic engagement and many people don’t even know who their state representative is. The conventional wisdom says most people will stay at home while a tiny though highly powerful bloc […]
#ThrowBackTexas: Jon Stewart Explains the Unexplainable at the State Board of Education
It’s #ThrowbackThursday, and rather than posting pictures of the horrible outfit you wore 20 years ago, why not drop a little knowledge on your friends? Right now the State Board of Education is trying to #ThrowbackTexas to a scarier time. In the alternate version of history promoted by some board members, slavery wasn’t that big of […]
Marco Rubio Says Opponents of Marriage Equality Are Victims of 'Intolerance'
Religious-righters and allied politicians who are unyielding opponents of marriage equality for LGBT people have a peculiar view of “intolerance.” In a speech today at Catholic University in the nation’s capital, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, complained that he and others who reject legal recognition of same-sex marriages are unfairly called haters and bigots: “Even before this speech is over, I will […]
Be a Christian or GTFO?
Photo by Michael Cavazos, Longview News-Journal First, let’s get this out of the way right off the bat: TFN does not now nor has it ever had a position on immigration. What TFN does have a position on is the First Amendment and the freedom it gives anyone, regardless of immigration status, to practice the […]
Religious-Right Groups Demand Freedom to Discriminate
Religious-right groups are, predictably, spitting venom over President Obama’s executive order barring discrimination against LGBT employees of the federal government and government contractors. The executive order, which the president announced on Monday, does not include an exemption allowing employers to discriminate for religious reasons. The executive order did keep a provision from a 2002 executive order signed by President […]