Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said this past weekend that he would oppose the election of a Muslim as American president because Islam (he believes) is in conflict with the the Constitution. But today we read that while Carson has a personal religious test for candidates seeking the presidency, he failed a similar religious test earlier this year. Talking Points Memo […]
Defending the Indefensible
It didn’t take long for the wackaloons on the right to start defending the arrest of a 14-year-old Muslim student in the North Texas city of Irving for making a clock and bringing it to show his teachers. But it was so predictable. Anti-Muslim hysteric Alice Linahan here in Texas is using social media in an aggressive defense of Ahmed […]
‘Pure Fiction’ from Another Anti-Abortion Extremist
Republican candidates in Wednesday night’s presidential debate threw out plenty of red meat for their base supporters. Among the biggest examples were attacks on women’s access to abortion care. Candidate Carly Fiorina made one of the most bizarre claims when she said the deceptively edited anti-Planned Parenthood videos that anti-abortion extremists have been touting in recent weeks include this […]
Welcome to the 21st Century
Sort of. From Associated Press: Alabama is updating its decade-old science standards to require that students understand evolution and learn about climate change, topics that can still be controversial in the Bible Belt state. Educators say the new rules — part of a major change that includes more experimentation and hands-on instruction and less lecturing […]
A Tribute to Leticia Van de Putte
Leticia Van de Putte, a San Antonio Democrat who served in the Texas Senate from 1999 to 2015, has long been a friend of the Texas Freedom Network. We have been proud to stand with her on a host of important issues, such as supporting women’s access to reproductive health care services, including abortion care, and reining in […]