Rep. Anchia Stands Up for Adopted Children and Calls Out the Bad Guys

State Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, is serving in his sixth session of the Texas Legislature and had never made a personal privilege speech. Until yesterday. Anchia went on the House floor to speak about a bill he’s filed in several sessions. It’s a reasonable bill that simply removes the requirement that supplemental birth certificates for […]

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Religious-Righters Threaten to Sue Plano for Right to Discriminate

Plano on Monday joined the growing list of cities across Texas with ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as other characteristics like sex, race, religion and military status. Predictably, religious-righters are angry that they might be stopped from firing, evicting or denying public services to people they don’t like — especially gay or […]

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You're Living in the Past, Man

We need to take a moment to unpack one of the religious right’s favorite talking points about marriage equality, or, more specifically, the same-sex marriage ban currently in the Texas Constitution that has been challenged in federal court. The ban was approved by voters in 2005, which was — if our math is correct — […]

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Religious-Right Groups Demand Freedom to Discriminate

Religious-right groups are, predictably, spitting venom over President Obama’s executive order barring discrimination against LGBT employees of the federal government and government contractors. The executive order, which the president announced on Monday, does not include an exemption allowing employers to discriminate for religious reasons. The executive order did keep a provision from a 2002 executive order signed by President […]

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Texas Religious-Righter Insists Gay Activists Want to Throw Opponents in Jail — Even Concentration Camps

A Texas religious-righter is providing a case study in trying to become a leading voice for a cause that history is leaving behind. Jonathan Saenz, the lawyer/lobbyist who heads up Texas Values, has clearly decided that sounding like a raving hate-monger will make him a big boy among anti-gay extremists. As Media Matters reported on Tuesday, Saenz is now arguing that supporters of […]

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