Statement: The Leaked Draft Supreme Court Opinion Is a Call to Action for Congress as Our Civil Rights and Control Over Our Bodies Are Under Attack

The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would be a devastating blow to those who need this vital healthcare, and the extremely radical brief the world is now seeing shows why it’s up to us to fight back to protect safe and legal access to abortion and all of our constitutional rights. Today, abortion is still legal. Regardless of the shameless actions that may come from our nation’s highest court. We know that most Texans and the majority of the country oppose abortion bans. Still, far-right politicians continue using our bodies for political power and control. […]

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Who Is Really Trying to Intimidate the Judiciary?

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is upset about President Obama’s comments that a Supreme Court decision to overturn the health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, would represent “unprecedented, extraordinary” judicial activism. Senator McConnell said today that the president is trying to “intimidate” the Supreme Court: “With his words, he was no […]

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Who Are the Real ‘Judicial Activists’ Here?

Critics of so-called “judicial activism” — examples of which are often court decisions they simply don’t like — loudly argue for a strict interpretation of the Constitution when judges interpret laws. So we find it hypocritical, to say the least, when those same critics later decide that the Constitution isn’t a sufficient basis for interpreting […]

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The Right’s Anti-Gay Campaign Against Nominee

It didn’t take long for the far right to launch a coordinated attack on President Obama’s new Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan — and one of the right’s primary weapons is the suggestion that Kagan is a lesbian. Currently the U.S. solicitor general, Kagan is a highly respected legal scholar, served as the first female dean of Harvard […]

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