Anti-Abortion Extremists Would Rather Women Die Than Go to Planned Parenthood

Listening to right-wing radio often leaves us wondering whether we need to get a rabies vaccine. It’s really that bad. But we monitor those programs so we can shine a light on the frothing, hateful nonsense they promote. Case in point: today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program from Liberty Counsel, the Florida-based organization so extreme that the Southern […]

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A Busy Sunday at the Legislature

It was a hectic Sunday at the Texas Legislature. Thank you to tall who took action and contacted your reps during the holiday weekend. Here’s what happened on what turned out to be not much of a holiday for legislators. Sanford’s anti-LGBT amendment State Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, did not get an opportunity to offer […]

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Take Action: Oppose Anti-Abortion Legislation Monday at the Capitol

While over in the Texas House of Representatives many, many bills met their fate when a key deadline passed Thursday night, lawmakers in the lower chamber did accomplish a few things, including, unfortunately, passing even more abortion restrictions. And with those bills now approved in the House, the debate over that legislation now shifts to […]

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Protect access to abortion care

Texas politicians have been imposing their own moral and political agenda on women for years. They’ve cut funding for family planning. They’ve imposed restrictions on birth control. Now they’re eroding access to abortion care by closing clinics. The fact is that one in three American women will have an abortion in her lifetime — yet […]

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This Week @ the Legislature: Attacking Abortion Access

Click below for contact information of committee members. Tuesday, April 14 House State Affairs Committee Wednesday, April 15 House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee Even after passing the most restrictive laws in the country, anti-abortion zealots in the Texas Legislature are back at it, trying to pass laws further squeezing access. They won’t stop until […]

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