More about the Religious Right’s ‘Prayercast’

TalkingPointsMemo now has a full report up on last night’s “prayercast,” an event hosted by the far-right Family Research Council to oppose health care reform in Congress. A couple of quotes from speakers helps reveal the tone of the event: From Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.: “Whether they’ve been mesmerized by the president or just convinced somehow […]

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Bad History from the Religious Right

Last night the far-right Family Research Council hosted a 90-minute “prayercast” against health insurance reform efforts in Congress. Never mind the abuse of faith to kill efforts to make health care accessible and affordable for all Americans, rich or poor, healthy or sick. That’s become fairly common rhetoric from the right in recent months. But the […]

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Texas Eagle Forum: Everybody Hates America!

Sometimes it’s instructive to note the bizarre and bitter paranoia that infects the far right in America. Texas offers plenty of examples, including the folks at Texas Eagle Forum. In fact, TEF’s new president, Pat Carlson, seems to harbor the same fear of everything foreign that the group’s past president, Cathie Adams, does. In a new e-mail […]

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Tea Partier Wants to Mandate Carols

Much of the attention on the angry Tea Party mobs over the summer and fall has been focused on their blind opposition to health insurance reform and government generally. But religious-right activists and their goals haven’t been completely absent from Tea Party ranks. In fact, their presence is one way you know that the call […]

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Hitler on the Brain

Is everybody at Texas Eagle Forum obsessed with Adolf Hitler? The far-right group’s former leader (and now Texas Republican Party chair) Cathie Adams infamously compared President Obama to Hitler in September. Now new TEF boss Pat Carlson is referring to Hitler in an e-mail to far-right activists in which she attacks the United Nations and mainstream […]

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