SCOTUS Decision in Kennedy v Bremerton Pokes Another Hole in the Curtain Between Church and State. Texans Should be Wary.

In siding with former high school football coach Joe Kennedy, who repeatedly led his players in prayers immediately after games, the court is inviting public school teachers to impose their religious beliefs on students. This decision further erodes church-state separation, the cornerstone of religious freedom and a core tenet of our democracy, which ensures we are all treated equally no matter our religion or belief. […]

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It’s Time to Have “the Talk” this Sex Ed for All Month

Fellow Texans, it’s time for “the talk.” May is Sex Ed For All Month, and TFN is not new to giving Texans the lowdown on sex ed in our public schools. For years, we’ve used our #TeachTheTruth: Accurate Sex Ed campaign to advocate for comprehensive sexual health education that’s medically accurate, free of shame and judgment, and addresses the needs of all young people, regardless of their race, gender identity, or the zip code they live in. […]

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Just Texas Proclaims All People Are Worthy and Beloved This National Day of Prayer

The first Thursday of May, today, marks the National Day of Prayer. It’s a day established by Congress in 1952 as a day when “the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.”  This year, it comes just days after a leaked draft brief suggests the U.S. Supreme Court intends to strike down Roe v. Wade. While today was intended to honor the power of intentional introspection for people of all faiths –and even those of non-faith – the day is often co-opted by the religious right to push forth their political agenda which unfailingly centers on an evangelical version of Christianity. But there are progressive faith voices who believe differently. […]

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