Lowe’s Bogus Explanation on Jefferson Deletion

The Texas Freedom Network sent out the following press release today: SBOE Chair Lowe’s Explanation for Dropping Jefferson from Standard Doesn’t Hold Water TFN President Kathy Miller Points Out the Distorted History Promoted by Board Extremists FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2010 Texas State Board of Education chairwoman Gail Lowe’s explanation for the board’s deletion […]

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Statement on Texas Curriculum Debacle

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller released the following statement after a divided State Board of Education gave preliminary approval to new social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools: “Some board members themselves acknowledged this morning that the process for revising curriculum standards in Texas is seriously broken, with politics and personal agendas dominating […]

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SBOE Rejects Religious Freedom in Standards

Today the Texas State Board of Education voted to reject an amendment to social studies curriculum standards that would require students to learn that the nation’s Founders “protected religious freedom by barring government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion over all others.” The party-line vote — 10 Republicans against and 5 Democrats in favor […]

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Oklahoma Senate Says: ‘Sue Our Schools!’

Well, that’s not really what the Oklahoma Senate said, but it might as well have. On Thursday the chamber passed a bill that would allow elective courses about the Bible in the state’s public schools. But Oklahoma senators did something really, really foolish: the bill mandates that course materials come from the National Council on […]

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Rives Campaign Still Not Telling the Truth

We told you last month how Randy Rives is playing fast and loose with the truth in his campaign to unseat Texas State Board of Education incumbent Bob Craig in tomorrow’s Republican Primary. Yesterday Rives’ campaign continued to distort the truth on a key issue from the candidate’s past — the decision by the Ector County […]

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