The Hateful, Cynical Campaign Against San Antonio's Nondiscrimination Ordinance

This past week it became clear just how hateful and cynical the campaign to defeat a proposed San Antonio nondiscrimination ordinance has become. The ordinance would add LGBT people and veterans to existing city nondiscrimination protections in employment, housing and public accommodations. The City Council is planning to vote on the proposed nondiscrimination ordinance on September 5. […]

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Religious-Right Groups Want to Gut Protections, Support Discrimination in San Antonio

Religious-right groups are demanding that San Antonio’s nondiscrimination policies include a religious exemption for individuals — an exemption that would effectively gut not just proposed protections for LGBT people (protections those anti-gay groups oppose), but also existing protections against discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability and even religion. The offices of San Antonio City […]

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Texas Religious-Right Group Hypes Manufactured Outrage (OUTRAGE!) over Jesus-Stomping 'Controversy'

Liberty Institute/Texas Values, the religious-right litigation group based in Plano, is addicted to outrage (OUTRAGE!). The group seems to thrive on manufacturing and feeding it with strained distortions, whether the issue is gay adoption (vanishing moms and dads!), sex education (anal sex!), anti-bullying bills (special rights for homosexuals!) or the mythical “war on Christmas.” Now […]

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Houston-Area Tea Party Leader Was Fascist Party Member

The head of a Houston-area Tea Party group appears to have been dabbling in extremist right-wing politics for some time and has shared the political stage with various far-right activist and elected leaders in Texas. According to a report in the Texas Tribune, James Ives, president of the Greater Fort Bend County Tea Party, served […]

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Awaiting History's Judgment

Sadly, history often repeats itself, especially when it comes to discrimination. The debate over the Boy Scouts of America’s now-postponed decision about whether to end a blanket ban on gay scouts is just another example — and a number of Texas politicians have chosen to put their names clearly on the wrong side of history. […]

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