How Did the Tea Party/Religious Right Lose So Badly on LGBT Discrimination in the Texas Legislature?

One of the most remarkable outcomes of the 2015 session of the Texas Legislature is the complete failure of the broadest legislative assault on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community anywhere in the country. It’s so remarkable in large part because Texas is deeply red state in which religious-right/tea party activists make up a powerful part of the […]

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You Get Nothing. You Lose. Good Day, Sir.

As the 2015 session of the Texas Legislature comes to a close today, the Texas Freedom Network is joining with our fantastic coalition partners to celebrate the complete failure of the religious right’s broad legislative assault on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. We just sent out the following press release: While bills promoting discrimination […]

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One Final Indignity

Senate Resolution 1028 (click to enlarge) The Texas Legislature will leave town when the session concludes this Monday. Going into the session, TFN and our allies knew we would be on the defensive on several issues. This was especially true on LGBT rights because of the impending U.S. Supreme Court decision, expected next month, that could […]

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Houston Passed Landmark Anti-Discrimination Ordinance a Year Ago Today

One year ago today, Houston’s City Council adopted a sweeping civil rights ordinance that bar discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, sex, military status and other characteristics. The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which religious-right groups bitterly oppose, covers discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. The Texas Freedom Network proudly supported the passage […]

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