Far-right GOP Group Sets Hate Tour Dates Across Texas

Houston-based Conservative Republicans of Texas, run by the rabidly anti-gay Steven Hotze, announced today a list of events stretching from August into the fall that will target “adversaries” who support LGBT equality and abortion rights: “Christian, it’s time for us to stand up and fight to take back our government from the godless Secular Humanists, Pro-Abortionists and Political […]

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RR Groups Keep Pushing Discrimination Targeting LGBT Families

Gay-obsessed religious-righters aren’t satisfied with defending businesses that discriminate against LGBT people. They’re also demanding that government officially discriminate as well. Yesterday, for example, Texas Values — an affiliate of James Dobson’s right-wing Focus on the Family — sent an email to supporters expressing outrage over calls for the state to recognize the same-sex parents of their children as, well, parents. “Homosexuals Are Pressuring […]

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History Repeating Itself on Marriage?

The Houston Chronicle had an interesting article a week back comparing reactions to last month’s U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down bans on same-sex marriage and the high court’s 1967 ruling against bans on interracial marriage. In both cases, the article notes, opponents have used religion in criticizing the court’s decisions. Indeed, supporters of racial segregation often used religion as a justification […]

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Taking Their Ball and Going Home

There’s nothing equal about how some public officials are responding the U.S. Supreme Court’s freedom to marry ruling from a couple of weeks ago. Sure, on its face, doing the same thing for everyone sure does sound equal. But in this case we’re talking about public officials who don’t want to do something for anyone, […]

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Texas County Clerk Issues Manifesto Declaring Defiance of Supreme Court’s Marriage Ruling

As Americans were celebrating freedom on the nation’s 239th birthday last weekend, a county clerk in West Texas was preparing a manifesto defying the U.S. Supreme Court decision that gay and lesbian couples have the freedom to marry under the U.S. Constitution. Then on Sunday the clerk, Molly Criner of Irion County near San Angelo, posted her manifesto on a listserve […]

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