Members of the State Board of Education’s (SBOE) “ad hoc” committee appointed to oversee the review of CSCOPE — the curriculum management system used in hundreds of Texas public and private schools — say they want that review to be fair, open and based on facts. But the official form reviewers will use to evaluate the […]
Live-Blogging the SBOE CSCOPE Hearing
We thought it might be useful to report some of the comments we’re hearing today at the State Board of Education’s ad hoc CSCOPE committee meeting. As of Thursday afternoon, 15 people had signed up to testify, but the committee is permitting other folks to sign up to speak today as well. (We should note […]
Anti-CSCOPE Activists Take Law into Their Own Hands, Screw Over Taxpayers
UPDATE: A spokesperson for the state’s Education Service Centers confirmed late Friday afternoon that tests anti-CSCOPE activists irresponsibly posted on the Internet will have to be rewritten. Depending on how many assessments must be replaced, the total cost to taxpayers could be up to $1 million. *** Tea party and other right-wing activists have screamed […]
'21st Century Learning Is Dangerous!'
That’s from a tweet by an anti-CSCOPE fanatic in Texas today. Seriously. That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? […]
Sen. Dan Patrick Admits He Hasn't Read CSCOPE Lessons He Wants to Ban Teachers from Using
This very short clip from last weekend’s debate between State Board of Education Vice Chairman Thomas Ratliff, R-Mount Pleasant, and state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, highlights how the manufactured “controversy” over CSCOPE eventually oozed out of the right-wing fever swamps. Tea party and other political activists (including a for-profit political consulting company) have absurdly claimed that the […]