Hobby Lobby Hypocrisy and the War on Birth Control

When Hobby Lobby sued the Obama administration over the requirement that it provide coverage for birth control in its employees’ health insurance plans, the company and religious-right groups billed the lawsuit as a defense of religious freedom. But there are some big problems with that claim — not the least of which is the attempt […]

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Will Antonin Scalia Dismiss What He Used to Say about the Law and Religious Freedom?

As the U.S. Supreme Court today considers whether requiring employer-provided health insurance to include coverage for birth control violates employers’ religious freedom, Talking Points Memo looks at what right-wing Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in an earlier case: In 1990, Scalia wrote the majority opinion in Employment Division v. Smith, concluding that the First Amendment “does not require” […]

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High Court to Decide Whether an Employer's Religious Beliefs May Limit Women's Access to Birth Control

On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court will take up two key cases about whether employers’ religious beliefs give them the right to deny coverage for birth control in their workers’ health insurance plans. The two cases are Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., and Sebelius v. Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. The two for-profit companies in the cases are challenging […]

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