#StandUp4Science: Volunteer to Serve on a Work Group

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is now taking applications from individuals who want to serve on work groups revising science curriculum standards for Texas public schools.

This is our opportunity to ensure Texas teaches the truth about 21st-century science, especially on climate change and evolution. Teaching the facts about climate change might be controversial for politicians and polluters, but it’s not controversial for scientists who study it. And we still must be vigilant in stopping efforts by creationists to undermine the teaching of evolution.

The work groups include educators, parents, and business professionals.
Current public school teachers are highly encouraged to apply.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no application deadline. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

  • Work groups are an essential part of the revision of the science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
  • There will be approximately five working groups that meet on a rolling basis throughout the revision process, with individuals cycling off while others are added each meeting
  • Work group members serve the important role of hashing out the actual language of the curriculum standards proposed to the State Board of Education (SBOE).
  • The members of the board will appoint work group members from the pool of applicants collected by the TEA.

What does being on a work group entail?

  • Work group members will be expected to complete an online orientation session with TEA prior to their work group meeting.
  • Work groups will convene in Austin for a minimum of one face-to-face meeting.
  • Work group members will be reimbursed in accordance with state travel guidelines for travel, meals, and lodging for meetings held in Austin.

  • Additional meetings conducted by webinar may also be scheduled as necessary.
  • Work group members may be asked to provide invited testimony at SBOE meetings.

We’d like to know which of our supporters are applying!

  • IMPORTANT: this form does not constitute your application to the work group but is to tell us about yourself and to let us know you’ll be applying
  • After filling out our form, we’ll send you an email with detailed instructions about how to submit your application formally with the TEA.
  • Questions? Send an email to [email protected].

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