Special Education Initiatives, Not Vouchers, Are Real Solution for Students with Disabilities

Special Education Initiatives, Not Vouchers, Are Real Solution for Students with Disabilities

TFN President Calls for Real Help for Students with Disabilities

March 13, 2007

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller issued the following statement regarding the package of “Special Education Initiatives” announced by senators today. This package of 12 bills would ensure that students with disabilities have access to early intervention therapies, would provide support and training for teachers and teachers’ aides, and would provide support for students and more information and control for parents.

“These special education initiatives are a recognition that students with disabilities need real help, not political schemes. Vouchers are a political scheme designed by lobbyists to appear as the magic solution to every education challenge. Yet they benefit few while draining millions of dollars from public schools that educate the vast majority of Texas schoolchildren. But these initiatives would help our public schools deliver on their promise to educate all of our children, regardless of their disabilities.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who advance a mainstream agenda supporting public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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